So this is good news for all you vape-heads in the Land of Lincoln. Governor Pat Quinn approved a bill yesterday permitting doctors in Illinois to prescribe medical marijuana for a host of conditions such as PTSD, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis and Cerebral Palsy.

The landmark legislation would make Illinois the 20th state to legalize cannabis for medicinal use. The rules regulating these prescriptions are pretty much of the most stringent in the country: there will be 22 approved grow operations, 60 dispensaries, and patients will be allowed to obtain up to 2.5 ounces every two weeks. Also, patients must have a pre-existing relationship with the doctor who will prescribe the medicine.

Senator Lou Lang from Skokie (pictured above) was the bill’s primary sponsor. The legislation differs severely from states like California, where “pot doctors” are a dime a dozen, and very few see patients for reasons other than for prescribing a weed card. We’re stoked about the ruling because now we can rip on our G Pen while drinking an Old Style at the Friendly Confines of Wrigley Field.