Aromatherapy has been gaining steam in the last decade as a reliable solution for common ailments and maladies. When used with an herbal vaporizer, these plants can provide much-needed relief without the irritating side effects caused by pharmaceuticals.

Spearmint – Spearmint (pictured) is widely regarded as one of the most popular and versatile garden mints. Spearmint has a distinct aroma and sharp minty flavor. Though Spearmint is chiefly used for culinary purposes, the benefits of Spearmint oil are similar to those of peppermint, being a stimulant, carminative and an antispasmodic.

Mullein – This towering biennial plant features a single stalk that can grow up to 2 meters high, with lots of leaves and topped with a spike of 5-part yellow flowers. When eaten the user immediately feels a sweet taste and a honey-like aroma carpeting the oral cavity. It’s best to use Mullein as either an oil, by drying the flower, or a tea, by drying the leaves. Mullein is best experienced as a tea but the fresh, dried flowers can be used to make an oil infusion for external use. The soothing mucilages of Mullein are known to coat sore throats and make coughing more productive.

Red Clover- A valued aromatherapy medication since ancient times, Red Clover is known as a detoxification agent. Traditionally used for treating respiratory disorders, Red Clover is known as a “blood cleanser” and it’s also reported to be an effective solution for gastrointestinal problems and can be used externally as a hortizone cream replacement for assuaging skin inflammations, infections, and psoriasis. We recommend blending Red Clover into a tea for the gastrointestinal benefits or as a mild sedative.

We recommend either blending these herbs into a tea or vaporizing them using a high-quality herbal vaporizer.