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Posts by chuck-shweig
vaporizer thermovape revolution portable

ThermoVape Vaporizer Review

This is a decent vape, but not a great vape. It's a vaporizer that will give you good results but it's kind of bulky and the battery needs to be charged often.

Atmos Bullet-2-Go

Atmos Bullet-2-Go Vaporizer Review

Spend the extra cash to get a vaporizer pen that you can depend on for years rather than weeks. This one is a disappointment.

G Pen Vaporizer by Grenco Science

Tips for Cleaning Your G Pen Portable Vaporizer

WHAT IS THE G PEN VAPORIZER? The G Pen Portable Vaporizer has completely revolutionized the way I vape. I tell you what, for years I was a forced-air vaporizer guy all the way. You couldn’t pay me enough to try vaping out of ...

Spearmint Herbal Vaporizer Remedy

Three Great Aromatherapy Remedies

Aromatherapy has been gaining steam in the last decade as a reliable solution for common ailments and maladies. When used with an herbal vaporizer, these plants can provide much-needed relief without the irritating side effects...


AtmosRx Vaporizer Review

The AtmosRx Vaporizer is one of the best pen-style vaporizers on the market, thanks to its durability and long battery life. Many happy people have purchased the AtmosRx Vaporizer for their Portable Vaporizer needs.

Extreme Q Vaporizer

How to Repair your Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer

Here at, we are massive fanboys of Arizer. The Arizer Solo is far and away the best handheld out on the market. Their desktop-style vaporizer, the Arizer Extreme Q, continues the tradition of excellent qual...

Puffit Vaporizer

Puffit Vaporizer Review

The world has been waiting for a vaporizer designed like an inhaler for a LONG time, and the Puffit is the first one to market. It may not be as solid as other portable vaporizers, but it does the trick!

This chick has NO idea what kind of vape to get.

Which style of vaporizer is best for me?

There are so many different vaporizers out there that choosing the perfect one can definitely be a little overwhelming! I know I sure was confused when I went to purchase my first vaporizer. I ended up choosing too quickly and ...