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Posts by chuck-shweig
Arizer Solo Vaporizer

Arizer Solo Vaporizer Review

The Arizer Solo is a high quality vaporizer that is great for large clouds and flavorful hits. The long battery life keeps you well vaped over the course of a day. Not the most discreet vaporizer, but the vapor production is ...

Vapir N02 Vaporizer

Vapir NO2 Vaporizer Review

Are you looking for a quality vaporizer that works well at home and on the go? If so then the Vapir NO2 is the device for you! The main difference between the Vapir and other leading vaporizers is that the Vapir NO2 portable va...

Vapor Brothers Vaporizer

Vapor Brothers Vaporizer | VaporBros - Helpful Tips and Techniques

VaporBrothers first busted onto the scene back in 1999 when they released their incredible box style herbal vaporizer onto the market. This revolutionary herbal vaporizer led to countless cheap knock-offs to come out over the y...